What Happens Next?

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  • Congratulations & Welcome

    Welcome to the Total Wellness Monthly Mentorship!

    Start watching the videos and be empowered.

    Watch the Mindset, Marketing and Educational Presentations.

    Go From Unsure To Unstoppable.

  • Set Your 90 Day Goals

    WHAT IS THE 90-DAY Goal Setting? The health-goal-building strategy used to accomplish measurable outcomes and massive action, in an accelerated amount of time.

    Set intentions on what you want to manifest in your life to reach Total Wellness of Mind and Body, grow your practice and empower others.

    Now is your time to step into your greatness.



  • Get Prepared and Brainstorm

    Let’s review your client cases that you want to get another perspective on. Share everything but the personal information of your client such as name. Gain clinical experience reviewing and learning about real-life cases.

    It’s time to play big.
    Millions of people are suffering from diet and lifestyle related illnesses that a health coach can help with. Don’t let them suffer by playing small.


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